6 oz melted dark chocolate
A box of cupcake mix, of your choice
White Frosting
Prepare the cupcakes. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate and let it cool just a bit. Allow the cupcakes to cool. When they're ready, go crazy! Look how pretty:
4 cups bread flour
2...ish... or 4 tbsp honey
1 1/2 tsps salt
1 Tbls vegetable oil
2 tsps instant yeast
1-1/4- 1-1/2 cups of warm water.
Here we go. Mix the dry ingredients in first. I never sift flour, but mixing it with a fork seems to work just fine. Then throw in all the wet stuff. Incorporate everything until you get a stiff dough, adding more flour or water should help everything even out if it doesn't feel quite right.
Put the dough on the counter, and kneed it for ten minutes. Squash it, hit it, punch it, pat it. Then cut it up into eight pieces and roll them into nice little balls. Now give it a rest! The dough balls should be given about 20 minutes of chill time.
Now pre-heat that oven! 415 F should do it.
Take the balls and roll them into snakes, about 8 to 10 inches long.
Fuze the ends of the snakes together to make a circle looking thing. Now the bagels need to chill for about 20 minutes again In the mean time, Boil a big pot of water and throw a little salt in there. You'll also need to prepare an oiled baking sheet.
Preso! Bagels are ready for boiling. Put a few into the boiling water at a time. Give them one minute in there, turn them over with some tongs, and give them another minute. Now you'll take them out. Let them hang out for a minute or so, and then throw them on the baking sheet! (Don't THROW them, gently and lovingly PLACE them.)
If you're a purist, bake them for seven minutes like so, take them out, give them another seven, and then EAT THEM! Or don't be impulsive like me and wait for them to cool a bit and then eat them.
BUT! If you want to try something new, dip one side of the bagel in flaky sea salt before you bake them. Or whip up some butter and mix some honey in and spread that on top before you bake them. Either way, they're delicious, and I hope you enjoy them.